
Friday, December 31, 2010

New Years Eve 2010

Ahhhhh. So 2010 is finally coming to an end. I must say this was an okay year for me. I had plenty of positives; graduation, new job (possible career), great friendships, & a great son. Now I would be lying if I said I didn't have any negatives as well. Broken hearts, loss of friendships & too much drama. Overall, things have slowed down towards the end of the year.
I was hoping to create some meaningful resolutions but I don't have time to complete them. So I pretty much created a strong statement to simplify it all.
Live life, have no regrets, make decisions on a whim & love hard.
I'm kind of bummed I'm not going to spend time with the person I wanted to this NYE but I'll survive, I'm hanging with great friends.
I hope you all have a great NYE, drink responsibly, be safe & most importantly have fun.
Peace. Love. Leos.

Thursday, December 30, 2010

New Ink

Cost: 70 total
Location: snakeman's tattoo shop, Maryland
Meaning: my birthday in Roman Numerals (7/24/1988)

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Photo Shoot Part 3

Photo Shoot Part 2

Photo Shoot Part 1

Don't Quit

When things go wrong, as they sometimes will,
When the road you're trudging seems all up hill,
When the funds are low, and the debts are high,
And when you want to smile, but you have to sigh,
When care is pressing you down a bit,
Rest if you must, but don't you quit.
Success is failure turned inside out,
The silver tint of the clouds of doubt,
And you never can tell how close you are,
It may be near when it seems so far;
So stick to the flight when you're hardest hit,
It's when things seem worse,
that you must not quit.

Monday, December 27, 2010

Weekend Recap

Okay, so I know I'm supposed to dedicate half this post to music but I'm posting from my phone rather than my computer since I'm out of town & I just don't see that happening.
I won't be following my usual blog rundown this week since I am out of town but I will be posting other random thoughts & posts.
Weekend Recap:
This weekend was quite odd. Christmas Eve was okay, I spent a small amount of time with my significant other but not as much as I wanted. Christmas Day. My son was overjoyed with all of his presents & toys. My significant other & I chose the perfect time to be arguing & it forced us to not talk at all. Not sweating it. The Day After Christmas. I left with Oliver & Courtney to road trip to the DMV for the week. Still no communication with my s/o. Hmmm. Interesting.
Overall, I'm quite upset with the way I acted & wish I could change it but you can't dwell in the past. I can only make improvements for my future.

For my musical half, I can suggest a mixtape to download. Rick Ross' new mixtape Ashes to Ashes has been in constant rotation and I can state that I am in love with it.

Until next time,

Three Sides To Every Person

1. the person you think you are: this is usually the part of you that you want to be portrayed as.
2. the person people see: not their judgment but the person they encounter versus the person you think you are.
3. the person you find: within yourself aka the real you. you wont find that person til youve spent time away from any influences (society).

Friday, December 24, 2010

Bing Photo Of The Day

Merry Christmas Eve !

TIOT: How To Wrap Straight Hair

Yesterday was very hectic, which is why I'm posting this "try it out thursday" post on Friday. Goshhh, I was running around nonstop yesterday and didn't get home until about 3 in the morning and I knew I wasn't posting anything because I was dog tired.

Anywho, yesterday I finally got a blow out and a trim and I must say I loooooove it. I went to SuperCuts, in anticipation that they would know how to work with my curls. A woman named Deliah (i believe that's how you spell her name) assured me that I would not have any heat damage once I returned my straightened hair to the curls. After hearing that I allowed her to work her "magic" on my hair. She did an excellent job and the pricing was not that bad either. I paid 45 dollars for shampoo, conditioner, flat ironed and ends trimmed. I wasn't expecting it to be like 25 dollars because my hair was in no shape or form an easy cut so I was content with that price.

With all that being said, I decided to dedicate my TIOT (try it out Thursday) to a YouTube video devoted to wrapping your straight hair. It has been a good three months since I have had my hair straight and watching this video assured me that I was wrapping my hair the correct way.


Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Web Search Wednesday

I was able to search the World Wide Web extensively today and I came across some interesting fashion/beauty blogs & sites. So I have decided to dedicate Wednesdays to interesting sites that I come across and to share them with you all. With that being said here is my first Web Search Wednesday.
First off the site: is amazing in itself. However I was more devoted to a fellow youtuber WildChildDzigns’s personal page. I instantly fell in love with her handmade pieces and honestly wasn’t able to stop myself from buying up EVERYTHING. lol.
WildChildDzigns is based out of Richmond Virginia and has pieces for everyone. Whether it include earrings, purses and even vintage dresses. She even has gift cards. How cool is that !?
Below are a few things I plan on purchasing:
Apple green spiral crochet earrings  REG: $15Crochet hair bow in green

Overall: I love love love this site & I will constantly check it for any future sales and new interesting pieces. I encourage you all to stop by and witness the greatness for yourself.
Link to site
Personal blog:

Lastly, I have been listening to “Another rainy day” by Corinne Bailey Rae pretty much all evening & I thought I share one of my favorite tunes with you all. Until next time.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Winter Solstice 2010

I'm pretty sure a lot of people do not know what Winter Solstice is so I decided to dedicate a quick post to it.

Definition obtained from Wikipedia...
The winter solstice occurs exactly when the Earth's axial tilt is farthest away from the sun at its maximum of 23° 26'. Though the winter solstice lasts only a moment in time, the term is also a turning point to midwinter or the first day of winter to refer to the day on which it occurs. More evident to those in high latitudes, this occurs on the shortest day and longest night, when the sun's daily maximum position in the sky is the lowest.
The seasonal significance of the winter solstice is in the reversal of the gradual lengthening of nights and shortening of days. Depending on the shift of the calendar, the winter solstice occurs on December 21 or 22 each year in the Northern Hemisphere. The 2010 winter solstice occurred on December 21, at 23:38.

So enjoy your longer nights and shorter days.

Think It Out Tuesday

Okay so this story has been in the news for about a week and being that it is fairly new I decided to add my two cents on the situation.

Here is a snippet from

g-dep trevell coleman 
The guilt-ridden rapper who confessed to a 17-year-old murder told The Post yesterday he didn’t know his victim had died when he decided to come clean on the cold case.
Trevell Coleman — whose rap name is G-Dep — said cops dropped the bombshell after he went into the 25th Precinct station house Wednesday to admit to the Oct. 19, 1993, shooting of John Henkel. “I was surprised — for some reason, I really didn’t think that he died,” the bald and bearded Coleman said in a jailhouse interview. “When they told me, I was like, ‘Oh, I’m not going home after this.’ “

Manhattan DA spokeswoman Erin Duggan said Coleman, 36, has now been charged with murder in the case. He faces life in prison. The rapper — who signed with Sean Combs’ Bad Boy label in 1999, was dropped a few years later, and last August signed with Famous Records — said his dark secret “weighed on me.” It got so bad for him, he confessed despite the objections of loved ones. “I told my mom and my girlfriend that I wanted to confess, and they both told me to leave it in the past,” he said.
Read More Here...

Now I have read and heard various opinions stating that "G-Dep is dumb" and "I commend that man." Quite frankly I agree with the second statement. Murder is a serious crime and the aftermath weighs heavy on someone's heart. I understand why his mother and girlfriend told him to leave it in the past since I'm pretty sure they knew they would never see him again and out of concern for his children, but I believe he made a great decision. G-Dep committed a horrific crime and I'm pretty sure his confession has put the victim's family at rest knowing that they have finally caught the person who killed their son and/or loved one.
Although, I am pretty sure there are thousands if not millions of people who are going to disagree but that is the power of freedom of speech.
I do as I say and say as I do.

What are your thoughts? Comments? Opinions?

Bing Photo Of The Day

Monday, December 20, 2010

Bing Photo Of The Day

Sapporo Snow Festival

10 Things I Despise.

While I was driving my little sister to work this morning, I decided to come up with a list of the 10 things that bother me the most. I don't think I'm going to put them in any particular order because they equally have a way of getting under my skin. So let's begin.

10. Slow, Non-aggressive drivers. I am a very impatient person and once I'm stuck driving behind them, it is a done deal especially if I am cutting it close with time and have somewhere very important to be.

9.  People touching my stuff. This pulls my chain so freaking much. I leave things in a certain place for a reason, so its easier to locate when I need to. However, when people move my things I am easily pissed off. Just thinking about it makes me mad.

8.  I hate people who cross in your path when walking. Arghhhhh. My students do this to me all the time. Whenever we are walking somewhere they will cross into my path and walk slow. which leads to....

7. Slow walkers. I absolutely despise slow walkers, in the mall, the airport, wherever. If you are walking slow...get the heck out of my way.

6. People living outside of their means. My generation is famous for this. Buying things to impress people who don't even matter. It is seriously disturbing how much we spend to purchase things to impress all the wrong people. 

5. Liars. I'm pretty sure everyone can relate to this one. However, we all lie, its human nature. 

4.  Poor Spellers. I seriously despise people with poor spelling skill along with poor grammar skills. Ugh seriously, how do women find that attractive?

3. Not getting my way. I'm so used to getting everything and anything I want and once things don't go my way I begin to pout and act like a child. I know its not healthy but I blame my parents. H
2. People who stare. "take a picture it will last longer" I often want to utter this whenever I catch someone staring. WHY STARE? If you want to discuss something with me, come on over. I won't bite.
1.   Not giving credit when its due. Again my generation is guilty of this infraction. Quite often young male and females are scared to voice their opinion about their counterpart. WHY? IDK. its all dumb to me. If I see someone who looks nice, I will be sure to voice my opinion. 

I'm pretty sure a lot of things can be worked on and possibly crossed off of my list. I plan to work on a few of them for the upcoming year and will do a repost of new pet peeves a few months from now.


Musical Monday

Weekend Recap: this weekend was hectic to say the least. I finished my Christmas shopping. whoot whoot.
I also managed to do a little shopping for myself. I'm going to do a haul video and post it later on this evening or maybe tomorrow. I'm ready to throw the dueces to Pittsburgh and say hello to the DMV, 6 more days! Ugh I can not wait.

So I have a slight obsession with Big Sean and I absolutely love this song. I'm not quite sure what process I'm going to do to rate the music or rather just give a quick bio about the artist and then post a link to the song.
IDK. But for now I will just post a quick quote from the song along with the link to the youtube video.

"every time we fall out ill throw yo ass out but you just end up boomeranging back to me. what the fuck"

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Fit Friday

so i totally forgot to do a post yesterday for "Fit Fridays" but hey better late than never. So these are just a few pictures of my booski Courtney and I before we went out. 
My Outfit:
Run DMC off the shoulder shirt, grey harem pants both from Forever 21.
Coach wedged booties.
Hair pulled up in a messy puff.
Floral silver earrings from Forever 21.

Courtney's Outfit:
black pencil skirt, black keyhole top.
OTK boots from Charlotte Russe.
greyish silver headband from Forever 21

who you finna try? ayeee.

OMFG. so i just found this video on tumblr and my baby sister and I love Crunkcoco....ayeeeee.

speaking of my baby sister check out her blog---> She's So Bitchy

I'm tired of this arguing and I wish for one last thing...

so i just posted this song on my other blog and I think its great enough to post again on here. this song is currently speaking volumes to me.
check it out.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

All I Want For Christmas is Youuuuu....oh and you & you too.

I decided to make a quick Christmas list of things I want or need. I decided to rank them in importance with 5 being the least important but I would kill a small child for to 1 being of utmost importance. They are as follows:

5. Lot 78 Suede Ziggy Motorcycle Jacket
4. Sam Edelman Zamara Suede OTK Boots

3. Asos Boyfriend Blazer 

2. NorthFace Women's Denali Jacket

1.  Ice Scraper
So the jacket is just for wishful thinking, I can not afford that right about now and I'm fine with that. The boots, oh the boots. I have been eyeing those beauties for quite some time now and I am waiting to see if they will drop to about 135 right after Christmas. The blazer is pretty much the same as the boots, waiting for that good price drop. I already own a North Face but the difference between the one I own and that one is the...HOOD. lol
Lastly, you see that ice scraper right there, I NEED ONE FOR MY TRUCK ASAP. I don't know what happened to my old one buuuut, I need a new one before we get any more inclement weather.


Try It Out Thursday

Okay so this post is really old, I took it from my other blog but since my hair is currently not cooperating, I decided to show you this old hair experiment.
Enjoy :)

So I found this video from one of my YT subscriptions and it is very simple and quick.
Here's the link: Half Up Flat Twist...Half Down TwistOut

Blog Rundown

So I have decided to do a special post for every day of the week. Here's what I'm thinking:
Musical Monday- weekend recaps, music reviews, current mood music, etc.
Think it Out Tuesday- specific quotes, news stories and my personal opinion towards it
Web Search Wednesday- a devoted day to a new, exciting, unique website/blog
Try it Out Thursday- natural hair experiements, hair product/style reviews
Fit Fridays- Photos of random street style, my personal style

I will also try and post 2 other posts outside of these special posts. Along with contests and videos. I'm hoping to touch on everything and anything for this blog.

Sit back and enjoy :) it me your looking for?

Hiya everybody!

I decided to make a separate blog apart from my other one on Word press. I'm going to focus this one on mainly natural hair, fashion, food, photos, music & just random things. Now its hard to blog when your laptop has died and using this desktop computer doesn't make things any better.

But nonetheless I'm making it happen.

Here's a quick rundown:



Recent College Grad. Chatham University 2010.


Mother to a handsome but bad 2 almost 3 year old. Dhani Xavier.

Teacher. I love my students!

Infatuated with natural hair. a year and a half into my journey. one year off the creamy crack. 6 months natural.

Obsessed with elephants.

Personal style which I wish to expand.

Food gives me life.

Soooo, thats just the beginning of the madness to come. But for now that shall complete my introduction post.
Oh & here's the link to my other blog. Check it out pleaseeee.