
Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Hair Challenge

Hey all,
I decided to partake in a "hair challenge" and below is an excerpt of the rules from one of my favorite natural hair bloggers, College Curlies.

Do YOU Accept the Challenge?

Hey y'all! If you've been keeping up with College Curlies for a while, you all know that CurlyNikki is my favoriteblogger and hair inspiration, and what loyal fan would I be if I didn't share her latest project with you all?
Starting today, February 1, 2011,, in collaboration with actress and comedienne Kim Coles, will begin its six month nationwide “Grow Out” Challenge which will last from February 2011 through July 2011. This will be the perfect time for thousands of women across the U.S. to embrace their natural hair and have invaluable resources at their fingertips to help them along their journey of personal growth.
How to Participate:
You are encouraged to blog about your grow-out experiences, on your own personal blog or here. The six-month long journey to natural hair starts Feb. 1, 2011, at midnight and will end on July 31, 2011, at 11:59 p.m.
  • Drink at least 64 oz of water each day (or half your body weight in ounces)
  • Eat a healthy, balanced diet
  • Take a multi vitamin and other beneficial supplements
  • Handle hair gently at all times
  • Seal your ends every time you moisturize
  • Minimize (direct) heat usage
  • Deep treatment at every wash session
  • Develop and follow a consistent hair routine, tailored to your specific needs and desired goals
  • Document your progress, observations, and frustrations on your personal blog
  • Encourage your fellow curlies by sharing tips, advice, and chiming in on their blogs
  • Have fun and enjoy the journey!
"Together we will embark on the sometimes difficult, yet completely rewarding, challenge of maximizing growth potential, maintaining length, and revealing your healthiest hair possible."
Y'all. I...(deep breath)....ACCEPT THE CHALLENGE! I will be keeping y'all posted about what I'm doing to grow and maintain stronger, healthier hair.
What about you?
Stay fabulous!

So I hope you all decide to join in on the journey. I plan on revamping my routine and weekly documenting my frustrations, success and other random thoughts.
So strap in and get ready. I'm hoping to witness a drastic change.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

SuperBowl Sunday

Ahhhhh, its finally here SuperBowl Sunday !  I am so freaking excited. I have a few hours of work to bust out..blahhhh & then its off to party with a few of my close friends and to watch this highly anticpated game.
Hopefully the Steelers will be bringing home that 7th ring.
Toodles for now, I have to finish taking these braids out....ughhhh :(

Sunday, January 30, 2011


-why are grown men (24+) still wearing Hollister, Abercrombie, Aero faithfully?
I’m sorry but I am looking for a man with style and if you believe that any of those three previous labels embodies style then we can not date. I do not get my generation. How are you as a female impressed by that? That is high school stuff, leave that for them, the kiddies.
-why do females wait around for their “man” to come correct?
This is a trait that I will never understand. Why are you waiting around for someone to realize that you are great catch? I mean I can understand giving someone space but come on, if your “man” is using this “space” as an opportunity to entertain new women then I’m pretty sure its time to cut your losses. Now I know this is easier said then done but geeze can’t you grow a backbone and MOVE ON. it hurts for a while but hey wounds heal, new skin emerges and life goes on.
-competition, oh really?
ahh, back to my favorite phrase yet again. But I don’t get the competition amongst females over a certain male. Why must you compete with someone else for love? If this male truly loved you then he wouldn’t have went out and fell in love with someone else. Again, get out those scissors and cut your losses.  The competition gets old, tiring and at times childish. Grow up, cut, and move one.
-lying about feelings?
OMFG, this irks my soul to the core. I DO NOT AND WILL NOT EVER UNDERSTAND WHY MALES/FEMALES LIE ABOUT THEIR TRUE FEELINGS. gosh, i don’t understand it. If you love me and someone else then let me know so I won’t be sitting here looking stupid. I would expect you to ‘keep it real’ with me just as I’m pretty sure you would want me to.

IDK, all of these things are currently annoying me. I mean I’m not having any problems or anything but these are just things I’m seeing happening around me and I never understand it. SMH. My generation man.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Happy Monday

Hey guys :)

So first off let me wish you all a happy monday. I'm pretty sure all of the Steeler fans out there are enjoying this Monday with a lack of voice perhaps, because the Steelers have booked their flights for Dallas. PITTSBURGHS GOING TO THE SUPER BOWL, HERE WE GO. I'm so excited and not to mention, I have no voice LOL. But we are on our stairway to 7.

Next, I start my new job today and I am ever so excited. The hours aren't the greatest but hey "get it how you live" right? I shall have more details about it once I get off tonight. :)

Lastly, I went thrifting this morning and found some really great stuff yet again. Now at my old job, I really didn't have a specific dress code so my work attire was a lot more laxed than in my new office setting. So of course, I was faced with slim pickins in my closest and I ended up at the thrift store this morning.
26.94 well spent. I picked up two blazers, two pair of dress pants, and three shirts. SCORE. (pictures to follow)

Currently listening to: James Morrison, Undiscovered, The Pieces Don't Fit Anymore.

I hope you all are having an excellent monday.

Price: 2.99

Price: 4.99

Price: 2.99

Price: 3.36

Price: 2.25

Price: 2.99

Price: 6.99

Sunday, January 23, 2011

umm, what is this world coming too?

after watching this, i see why my mother always made me keep my bedroom door opened. these little girls are terrible.
where are their parents?
this is our future. its sad.


Faced with insomnia I decided to blog about titles. I found that placing a title on relationships at the wrong moment often ruins them.
Fear? A sense of being rushed? Maybe they just aren't ready for such a large step?
All of these could be correct, yet in still there could be countless other possibilities.
Every relationship is unique, communication is key. Talk with your partner, make sure you both understand each other's wants/needs out of this newly formed union. Make sure both parties have agreed to place a title on their relationship. You can never be to cautious.
Personally, I think I have often rushed relationships and placed or even attempt to place titles on my mate too fast. This caused uncertainty followed by terrible separation and one friendship that couldn't be saved. However, currently I have reevaluated my certain situation and I have realized, what's the rush? I know we have our disagreements but at the end of the day I'm happy with just being his best friend. I am truly happy with our current situation, it's giving me a chance to fall for him all over again.
So think before you put that ever-so-important title in place. You may like your current situation.

Friday, January 21, 2011

6 Months Natural in Photos

Last Relaxer: July 15th, 2009
BC: July 13th, 2010

'Fit Friday

Today is 'Fit Friday and I really don't have an outfit to showcase because I have already changed out of my clothes that I had worn today. Yeah, I know.
Butttt, I have stumbled across some dope outfits from my Tumblr loves and decided to show you guys them.

 Now Ms. Minaj is not a tumblr follower, just thought I post her outfit. I love it. The face, eh not so much.

I'm not totally sure if this is my follower but nontheless I love the outfit and the SHOES. OMG. I have been trying to get my hands on a pair of Jeffery Campbells for the longest. They say 'good things come to those who wait.' WAITING.

This beauty is amazing. Gosh, I love everything about this photo. Her hair is gorgeous and the outfit is something I could totally see myself wearing.

Last but certainly not least. I'm totally diggin' this photo. I can't quite place why I love it so much, I just enjoy that it looks like this was effortlessly put together and still came out great.


Why He "Can't" Commit.

I have been obsessed with this blog. OMG. I would totally recommend this to every one.
I LOVE LOVE LOVE this blog. The topics are great and offer so much insight into relationships, friendships and so much more.
This topic that I'm obsessing over now is the age old question of why he can't commit. Now I don't believe that this topic is one-sided because as a women to often have commiment problems. However, this particular post was aimed at the male species.
Take a look:

Why He "Can't" Commit

At the request of a lady friend of mine I'm going to attempt to answer another age old question.  The question is "Why do men have a hard time committing and staying committed?" There were so many different ways I wanted to answer this question so I'm going to break it down.  Let's continue
1.You are attracted to the wrong guy! I notice that a lot of these women put their all into the wrong guy.  Women need to look beyond the looks and really dig deep into a man's personality.  If this man really cares about you and loves you, he WILL commit to you with no resistance.  
 2. He's not ready. Sometimes we just aren't ready yet.  I'm not telling you to wait around forever but at the same time just like you want a man to wait until your ready for certain things, you have to respect his wishes.  After all, I'm sure he's put up with the emotional walls and other tests that you've put him through.

3. Sex. You might have either a. given it up too quickly and now there's nothing for him to look forward too or b. not been that good at sex and now he's moving on.  Be careful.

4. Psychological.  In a world where being "committed" seems out of the norm, images are subconsciously thrown at us all day.  Telling both men and women to pursue sex, money, pleasure and other things that aren't important.  Mentalities such as "F*ck Bitches, Get Money" and "Money Over B*tches" devalue the woman's worth and we fall for it.  Women need to stop welcoming that nonsense and men need to stop depreciating our women.  

5. High Expectations.  This kind of ties in with #1 but you need to look at a man's history and actually pay attention to what he says and base him off of that.  Don't try to make this guy into something that he isn't because you will fail.  Take him for what he is.  If you know that he sleeps around, then don't expect him to commit to you.  Not to be disrespectful but what makes you different from any other girl he's messed with?  

Hopefully, this was helpful to any women out there. If you have any comments or other questions you want answered hit the email:
Ced- (The Ingenious Squad)
Soooo, what are your thoughts?
Me personally. I often find myself placing high expectations on a possible suitor. I believe it is because of my past relationships and the chance of finally correcting them with a new potential candidate. However, I never realize that my high expectations are detrimental to the relationship even before it starts. I realized its imperative to take my time and not try and create the perfect suitor and to just breathe.
Until then I'm breathing and letting my perfect male find me.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

The So Called Endangered Species

So I follow this blog over on blogger & they usually blog about male and female relationship tips, topics, etc.
Their tagline is "where the truth revealed...can you handle it?"
Right away that immediately caught my attention. I love gaining insight from the opposite sex, just something about their own personal opinions intrigues me.
This particular post caught my eye because it was directed dowager women who are searching for the "perfect man" and who often believe there are "no good man" left in this world.
Take a look:
The So Called "Endangered Species" pt. 1
I'm totally beefin' with all of you females who have these feelings. I suppose it would be more appropriate to explain my beef in detail with all of you. I'm talking about the females who feel like there aren't any good men. AT ALL. Unfortunately for you all, being the opinionated gentleman that I am, I'm going to turn on the lightbulb for you. Let's begin.

The woman claims she wants a "real" man. However, in order to search for the "real" man, one must know the characteristics of the real man. In my opinion, here are some characteristics that the real man should have, but aren't limited to:

1. Purpose. The real man knows what he wants in life and won't stop until he obtains it. He has goals, dreams, and a plan. You might meet him in the beginning stages of that plan and miss him. Pay close attention.

2. Loyalty. A real man is loyal to his friends, family, and other loved ones. The real man will show his loyalty if he feels you deserve it. He won't step out on you because his morals won't let him, which brings me to the next point.

3. Morally Sound. If a man doesn't have a set of basic morals, the relationship will never work. The little things need to be taken into account. Pay attention to the way he carries himself, the way he talks to his family, his friends, and other people. Look at the way he lives his life.

4. Strength. The real man is strong. I'm not talking about physically strong although that is vitally important. I'm talking about mentally , emotionally, and spiritually. He must be in tune with his inner soul. He needs to be able to hold you up when you are at your weakest point. Not saying that he won't have his own weak moments, but you also have to be a strong woman........

So what do you think?

Wednesday, January 19, 2011


Can you stay the fuck up out of my email, text, facebook messages with these party invites and chain texts/letters? Please the Lord doesn't give a damn how many things I forward/reblog/repost, I'm not going to die if I don't pass such and such along, my phone will not ring if I pass such and such along. Spare me people

Saturday, January 15, 2011

A Letter To Naturals

Dear Naturals,

Do not enforce natural hair on others.  Don't walk around thinking that your hair is betterthan the people who has their hair permed or whatever.  Do not get the idea that who ever still wears a perm is ashamed or in denial of their natural hair texture. 
The way how we wear our hair is a personaldecision.  You can encourage people who want to go natural, to go natural.  Just don't think that your hair is suddenly better than everyone who rocks a perm. 
If someone thinks that your hair is ugly in its natural state, that's their opinion.  Don't go on a rant about how they're brainwashed to think in a certain way because you're then sounding like a hypocrite because now you're brainwashed into thinking that going natural is the best option in the world and that perms are just eewie.  Just let them think what they think.  Most of them don't have the courage anyways to have their hair naturalOR they just don't prefer it.  It's not like you've never wore a perm either in your life.
Hair is hair.  Good hair is only the conditionof the hair, not the texture.  Some girls who wear a perm has healthier hair than some girls who wear their hair naturally.  Embrace your natural hair.  Just don't enforce it on people. 
If you force your opinion; you becomeannoying, honestly.  This post is not made by a person who wears perm, I've been natural for almost 9 months so I'm just keeping it real. 

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Taken From Tumblr

First off let me state that these are not my words however if I were to I'm pretty sure I would have wrote almost the exact same thing.
10 Things I Despise About My Peers
in no particular order
1. You fake ass gang members. Please…just, stop. It's not anything to be proud of, it isn't cute. Bloods and Crips fo' life right? Smh
2. Mind your gotdamn business. Simple as that. If it don't concern you keeeeeeeeep it moving.
3. Please don't complain about any of your drama that you initiated/created. Too old to be playing 'run tell that' & 'he said she said'
4. Why do you feel it's ok to compete with the next man? You don't know who you are? Can't use your own mind and judgement? Oh ok
5. Nobody cares how many bottles you popped in the club last night.
6. How hard is it to say no to a relationship if you do not plan on being committed? It'll save you the drama, unless thats what you like
7. If you partake in any illegal activity…why must you talk about it on Twitter? You really think the government isn't watching?
8. Why are you still willingly playing the side chick/dude? Why be #1, 2, 3, or 4 when you can be the only one? 'fuck them im the main' =\
9. You are 20+ still fighting? Some of y'all shooting, is it really that serious? Unless your life is in danger, what are you fighting for?
10. Why haven't you all grasped the concept of proper spelling and grammar? Typos are understandable but there are dictionary apps.
FYI. If you have problems communicating/speaking your mind, don't get mad at the next person for not having the ability to mind read.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Tumblr Photo Of The Day

In lieu of Topless Tuesday. I loveeee her blog.
Check it out.
Ashing Kusherr


I haven't been motivated to blog at all whatsoever. However, being that I have absolutely nothing to do at 6:35 on a Tuesday evening I decided to update my blog.
Oh Joy.
Anywho, its snowing here in Pittsburgh. blahh. i can think back to last winter's snowing fiasco and i had some great memories anddd i'm only hoping to make some new one's. :)

With that said, lets get into what i'm supposed to be blogging about. First, I missed my Music or maniac monday series so here it is..
Weekend Recap:  hmm, I went out with Courtney and Nana on Friday night. Had lots of fun. uhh, saturday I worked and hung with Courtney and Tarra and watched movies and drank margaritas. & Sunday I worked again...blahh.
Music: ahhhh, so I love love love Kanye West, not a huge fan of Jay-Z but OMG I freaking love his verse on this song. The song that I am totally obsessing over is titled H.a.m and it features Kanye West and Jay-Z. They are supposedly supposed to be releasing a 5 song album later on this year, once I here more info I will be sure to update you all. Oh yeah H.A.M. stands for hard as a muthafucka, i think lol.
anywho, i'm currently listening to it as I type and just bobbin my lil head right along to it. Usually I would do a breakdown buuuttt, I just don't feel like it. In my opinion the song is dope, its a must download!!
as always here's the link to the youtube mess...

Niggas fantasize about the shit that I do daily like
These rappers rap about all the shit that I do really
I’m like really half a billie nigga
Really you got baby money
Keep it real with niggas
Niggas aint got my lady money

Next up, I decided to talk about Verizon finally getting the Iphone. They held a press conference this morning informing the world that they will finally sell IPhones. However, they didn't announce any data plan details but from what I'm hearing, they will mirror AT&T's. A plus is that they will enable an iphone to be a hotspot which is DOPE, a negative is that you won't be able to talk on the phone and browse the web. Advantage AT&T. February 3rd marks the date that existing Verizon customers can pre-order their new phones and February 10  is when other customers will be able to purchase the phones. I'm excited because my mother will finally be able to get an Iphone and I can bug her with FaceTime and other junk. The sad thing is I'm stuck between a rock and a hard place because I am a current AT&T customer, and have been for the past 4 years. But if the Verizon bill is any cheaper I will most definitely switch, but not until the new Iphone is released in July. ;)
What are your thoughts?

Also, check out my madre's blog over on wordpress. Please comment.
Madre's Blog

Until next time,

Sunday, January 9, 2011

`Fit Friday

hahaha, so I know today is Sunday and I'm just now doing this post but screw you, its my freaking blog. lol

anywho. i'm not going to describe any outfits. I do not feel like it. i'll just post pictures of what i wore to watch my little cousin play basketball and then what I wore for a night out in Pittsburgh with Kitty and my nana.

Enjoy :)

Friday, January 7, 2011

Tumblr Photo of The Day

I mean, lmao, shit speaks for its fuckin self! Haha My nigga Jacob knows.

...this photo applies to a LOT of my fellow Pittsburgh peeps.

Web Search Wednesday: Rich Little Thrift Girl

I totally know what you are thinking. Today is definitely Friday. LOL. I'm sorry, I got carried away these past few days and totally forgot to do my Wednesday posting. So here it is.

Rich Little Thrift Girl
I follow the owner of this store, ICEY, on Tumblr, and I have been reading up on the progress of the store since inception. I absolutely adore her jewelry which ranges from earrings to neckwear. Another major plus is that she is a NATURAL DIVA. Her hair is fiiiieeeerrrrceeee... I can not wait to color my hair this summer and seeing her only causes my eyes to be filled with envy.
Here are a few pictures of some of her items from her latest fashion show:


RLTG NYE 2011 RLTG. Winter 2010

RLTG. Winter 2010

I encourage you all to check her out. Her pieces are HAWT.
Peace. Love.Leos.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Try It Out Thursday: 2011 Hair Resolutions

This TIOT will be dedicated to 2011 Hair Resolutions.

I recently received an email from detailing 11 hair resolutions for the New Year. I figured I make my own list for this TIOT.

Erricka's 2011 Hair Resolutions:
  • Reach Shoulder length
  • Use Heat sparingly (blowout every 3 months)
  • Attempt More Styles (master flat twists again since my hair has grown)
  • Rework old routine
  • Do more deep conditioning treatments
  • Increase DIY Projects: hair treatments & hair products
  • Learn to trim my own ends & save moolah
  • Invest in more organic products
  • Clean out closets every 3 months
  • Create a Natural Hair Network with other Pittsburgh Naturals
  • Moisture, moisture, moisture, and seal

Check out the article----> 11 Curly Haired Resolutions

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Tumblr Photo of The Day

My friggin dream guy.

Think It Out Tuesdays: Relationships & WillPower

The previous posting is the main reason I wanted to do this TIOT. I came across this letter on a tumblr site and it struck me greatly. I'm pretty sure every girl out there can relate to some of the things listed in that letter. Whether it be the sucky text convos or the change in a FB relationship status.
I once read somewhere that on average a girl takes a guy back about 7 or 8 times before she realizes the toxic nature of their relationship. Now this shocking statistic whether it be true or not, does not hold true to most females. However, why are we as women so weak when it comes to leaving a DOG ? I can attest to this statistic because it often takes me a moment to realize the negative hold a certain relationship is placing on my heart, mind, and soul. With age, I am learning to let go of certain relationships (romantic and friendship) almost immediately realizing that nothing is coming out of us remaining in contact. Now, I am in no way shape or form, perfect but as stated before I am learning.
WILLPOWER. ahhh, this one word is often uttered and thought about by plenty of hurt women. willpower. "do I have the self control to leave it all behind?" "I need to take control of my impulses and actions and leave this relationship." I'm sure there are thousands if not millions of other thoughts or statements that are conceived by women which questions there strength.

  • The strength to finally say that's enough.
  • The strength to walk away.
  • The strength to never look back.
  • The strength to put YOU first.
Strength and willpower are ever so important. They are needed to leave your emotional baggage from a previous relationship behind when attempting to rekindle love. With practice, I'm sure this will seem effortless and further aid in the search for love. However, you can not be scared to risk it all. Forget about that lover or lovers whom did you wrong. They are in your past for a reason. Use them as a learning experience, make some changes and vow to never walk that path again. Your future mate will thank you.

The reoccurring cycle of unstable, toxic relationships takes a huge toll on women. Do you have the power to stop this cycle for good?
I do.

Dear You,

I hate the fact that you lead me on. You left me hanging here without a thought in your mind that you hurted me. I hate myself for catching feelings for you too damn quick. I’m a fool. But you’re the jerk who left me without a goodbye or anything & in a couple days later you changed your status on Facebook as, 'in a relationship w/ ________' thanks moron. A lot of people warned me about you..I should have listened. I was too blind from YOU to even hear it from the people who cared about me the most. Like foreal, I thought you really did care. I also hated our convos via texting. I'd text you, you'd text me back, i'd text you back... *no reply 'til the next day*...pshh, what's even worst- I don't hear from you for another 3 weeks. I'm a fool for always taking you back. Now i don't want NOTHING to do with you. You fucked and played w/my heart so bad...I don't deserve to be treated like this. I put my anger towards my loved ones...I'm hurting. I haven't felt like this is such a long time. -whew- ...I'm over it.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Tumblr Photo of the Day

Musical Monday

So I'm back to my regular blog rundown since I'm back from vacation.

Weekend Recap:
This pass weekend was phenomenal to say the least. I partied with my close friends in DC for NYE and boy did we have a blast. It was VIP areas, liquor filled, all around fun and I would so do it again soon, just not in boring Pittsburgh. I also strained my vocal chords because of that crazy weekend but don't regret it because I really don't have to say to anyone at this point.
Monday Morning:
I received a phone call this morning that my afterschool program funding had been cut due to a poor fiscal year and I have been down in the dumps since. I really love my students and I am deeply saddened that our program was cut. I'm going to miss them all terribly. Now I'm stuck on the hill in a program with students whom I barely know, after school. I guess it's back to the drawing board. I was born to be a leader and I honestly do not want to be a counselor at this program.

Now let's get to the music portion. Hmmmm..I'm going to do two artists for this Musical Monday. The first one I know very well. He was my middle into high school boo and although we went our separate ways, we have been great friends ever since. He is making strides in the music world and I am so proud of him. He goes by the name of Cashtro Crosby, but I will always identify him as Jah'Nyah. I was pleased to hear that he would be opening for my second artist later this month and I immediately contacted him and demanded he get me an autograph lol.  Anywho my second artist is the one & only, Big Sean. Goodness, just reading that name after typing it turns me on. I'm in complete lust over this man and just would melt if I ever got the chance to meet him.

Back to the music.
My DC drive was filled with nothing but Big Sean, Wale, Lupe, Cudi, Yeezy amongst other music. So I figured I would introduce you guys to a mixtape that has been in constant rotation in Yolanda (my truck, lol)

Title: Finally Famous Vol. 3
Artist: Big Sean
Favorite Track: Supa Dupa Lemondae Freestyle
Rating (out of 10): 10 !
Comment: This seriously is a must download !
Link: Click Here

I can not wait until I will be able to do a review on Jah'Nyah's first album. But here are links and other good stuff to hear some of his music. :)

Latest song: Jealousy (2011).. I freaking love this song.
"this my new edition no prerogative like Bobby"

Personal Blog: Look Here
Twitter: @ Him.

Enjoy :)

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year

Hiya guys :)
Sooooo let me tell you all about my crazy night.
A group of friends & I got VIP at a club called Ibiza in DC & boy were we acting a fool. We must have had about 10 bottles & not to mention drinks from other men ;) but anywho, shots were drowned...mixed ciroc, goose, patron, tequila & moet. Yikes. You would think I was hungover but nope I'm wide awake and ready to do it all over again tonight.
Not to mention, my friend & I had to sober up quick as shit cause our friends were not fit to drive. Gosh, why do I surround myself with men who are 6 feet & above? Those lil fuckas are heavy & damn near impossible to get in the house and undressed. But hey, I guess that's what friends are for. Despite all the fun I'm having, I'm missing a few people in Pittsburgh. Sigh. I shall be home quite soon.
I'm excited for 2011 & all the new stuff that will be thrown my way.
Pictures will follow. Enjoy your day :)