
Monday, December 20, 2010

10 Things I Despise.

While I was driving my little sister to work this morning, I decided to come up with a list of the 10 things that bother me the most. I don't think I'm going to put them in any particular order because they equally have a way of getting under my skin. So let's begin.

10. Slow, Non-aggressive drivers. I am a very impatient person and once I'm stuck driving behind them, it is a done deal especially if I am cutting it close with time and have somewhere very important to be.

9.  People touching my stuff. This pulls my chain so freaking much. I leave things in a certain place for a reason, so its easier to locate when I need to. However, when people move my things I am easily pissed off. Just thinking about it makes me mad.

8.  I hate people who cross in your path when walking. Arghhhhh. My students do this to me all the time. Whenever we are walking somewhere they will cross into my path and walk slow. which leads to....

7. Slow walkers. I absolutely despise slow walkers, in the mall, the airport, wherever. If you are walking slow...get the heck out of my way.

6. People living outside of their means. My generation is famous for this. Buying things to impress people who don't even matter. It is seriously disturbing how much we spend to purchase things to impress all the wrong people. 

5. Liars. I'm pretty sure everyone can relate to this one. However, we all lie, its human nature. 

4.  Poor Spellers. I seriously despise people with poor spelling skill along with poor grammar skills. Ugh seriously, how do women find that attractive?

3. Not getting my way. I'm so used to getting everything and anything I want and once things don't go my way I begin to pout and act like a child. I know its not healthy but I blame my parents. H
2. People who stare. "take a picture it will last longer" I often want to utter this whenever I catch someone staring. WHY STARE? If you want to discuss something with me, come on over. I won't bite.
1.   Not giving credit when its due. Again my generation is guilty of this infraction. Quite often young male and females are scared to voice their opinion about their counterpart. WHY? IDK. its all dumb to me. If I see someone who looks nice, I will be sure to voice my opinion. 

I'm pretty sure a lot of things can be worked on and possibly crossed off of my list. I plan to work on a few of them for the upcoming year and will do a repost of new pet peeves a few months from now.


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